1st june

A number of measures are being taken by the Government in order to attract investors to the oil and gas industry. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, the correspondent of MIA "Kazinform".
"A draft agreement is being developed for the geological study of the subsoil, which provides for the exclusive right of the subsoil user to further exploration/production of the site," Alikhan Smailov said in his response to the deputy's request.
He explained that if the subsoil user discovers promising hydrocarbon resources, the possibility of a guaranteed transition from the stage of geological exploration of the subsoil to the stage of exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials (oil/gas) will be provided. The main criterion for the allocation of the site will be its location within poorly studied sedimentary basins with a low degree of geological and geophysical knowledge of the territory. "In addition, by the end of the year it is planned to introduce an Improved model contract for new offshore projects, complex projects on land and for gas projects, where regulatory and fiscal preferences will also be provided. These approaches will ensure the attraction of investors for the implementation of new gas projects," the head of the Cabinet concluded.