June 2

Public hearings on the project of geological exploration near the village of Mayak were held in the Altai region of East Kazakhstan region, reports edition "Italics". They are looking for a gold deposit there. If the reserves of valuable ore are determined, confirmed and economically justified, the construction of new underground workings will begin near the city of Altai. Public hearings on the project are a prerequisite before starting work. At the event, the initiators told the villagers, environmentalists, representatives of government agencies that geological exploration in this area of the Revnyushinsky block of the Zyryanovsky ore district will be carried out until the end of 2023. Permission for exploration here was obtained by Kazzinc LLP, which is engaged in the extraction of polymetallic ores in the area. The Maleevsky mine, owned by Kazzink, remained the only major field under development in the district. According to experts, its reserves will soon run out.
According to the director of the company "Geoecoproject" Viktor Rodionov (project developer), 13 wells will be drilled at the exploration site, which is located a few kilometers from the city of Altai. Samples (cores) will be taken from them and sent to the laboratory. According to representatives of Kazzinc LLP, the company will invest $ 2 million in geological exploration of this site, the funds will go directly to drilling, sampling and analysis of the economic feasibility of the development. The issue of opening a new underground mine near the village of Mayak will be resolved only if the "economy of the deposit" allows. It is known that geological exploration by state-owned companies has already been carried out on this site three times before. However, the results of previous attempts were unsatisfactory.
Earlier, Kursiv.media wrote that Kazakhstan plans to increase the annual financing of geological exploration. This is the concept of the National Project for the development of the exploration industry for 2021-2025. According to the authorities, over these years more than 165 billion state money and about 800 billion tenge in the form of investments of subsoil users will be invested in geological exploration.
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