Поля испарения ТОО «АНПЗ» ежегодно посещают разные виды птиц и животных.
На данной территории наблюдаются три вида млекопитающих:— дикий кабан на тростниковых тропинках по периметру испарительных прудов;— ондатра;— рыжая лисица в юго-восточной части испарительных прудов. Также

Dear partners and friends!
Dear partners and friends! Svetland Oil Company wishes you a Happy New Year!

Election victory celebrations!
The honor of becoming a people's choice speaks not only of the trust of the electorate, but also of high professional training, as well as good life experience. That is, before becoming a deputy, a person must take place in the profession and clearly understand how he can help voters. All these qualities are inherent in the General Director of Svetland-Oil LLP Abilkares Zhenis Abilkaresuly.

Dear friends! Let me congratulate you on the wonderful spring holiday of Nauryz!
Dear friends! Let me congratulate you on the wonderful spring holiday of Nauryz! Let it bring a feeling of novelty, freshness, joy, many sunny days and pleasant moments. I wish you a fruitful year: may every grain planted in the ground give generous sprouts, and any undertaking bear fruit. Welfare, comfort and warmth to every home!

Our dear women!
Our dear women! Let me congratulate you with spring, gentle and romantic holiday - the day of March 8!

On the eve of March 8
On the eve of March 8 On the eve of the holiday in the office of Svetland-Oil LLP, the male part of the team honored dear female colleagues - sympathetic and kind, charming and with invariably sweet smiles on their faces. In addition to the traditional presentation of flowers, a pleasant surprise awaited them all in the form of a bonus, as well as a short working day.

Social responsibility of business is an important component of the successful development of the company. Therefore, charity is an old and good tradition of Svetland-Oil LLP. Every year, the company provides sponsorship assistance to children with special needs, people with disabilities and other citizens in need of assistance, upon their personal requests. In early February, Svetland-Oil LLP received a letter from the public association Analarga Komek Qoldaw with a request to help one resident of the city, a mother of many children. Possessing culinary skills, she has long dreamed of opening her own business. Although small, it can be a good help for the family. The company's management did not disregard the appeal and complied with the request by allocating funds for the purchase of an ARG AMD 4816 home electric furnace. The purchase was handed over to the needy, who warmly thanked for the assistance provided.

Dear friends, we wish you a Happy New Year!
On December 31, we wish you peace, kindness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and achievement of your goals in the coming year. Let 2023 be the year

New Year is a time of miracles
On December 29, the New Year is a time of miracles, all kinds of gifts and super surprises that every child dreams and waits for. The last December week, the children of employees

Last week our team held the well-deserved farewell of the First Deputy General Director of Svetland-Oil LLP Baidaulet Ergazievich Ergaliyev.
На прошлой неделе наш коллектив проводил на заслуженный отдых первого заместителя генерального директора ТОО «Светланд-Ойл» Байдаулета Ергазиевича Ергалиева.Уроженец Махамбетского района Гурьевской (ныне – Атырауской) области,

Congratulations, environmentalists!
On June 6, on the eve of June 5, Kazakhstan celebrated the professional holiday of all those who specialize in the field of environmental protection – Ecologist's Day. As in a number of

Happy Victory’s Day!
Over the course of decades this day is one of the most honored among Kazakhs whose impact in the common Victory over the enemy cannot be overestimated. May 9 of 1945 is moving away from us every year, but we must never forget about those heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life.

Happy Defender of the Homeland’s Day!
Defender of the Homeland Day in Kazakhstan is a holiday of courage, honor and peace. We congratulate all men on this holiday!

A Holiday of true men
From the very morning, the men of "Svetland-Oil" LLP were waiting for only one surprise, literally starting from the threshold of the office! The female part of the team, smart (in the retro style of the 80s), as always beautiful, greeted colleagues with smiles, congratulating each individually on Defender of the Fatherland's Day. And that is not all. A special agenda was awaiting for everyone on the desk, to appear at 12.00 and without delay. No, not to the Military Commissariat, but to the dining room, where, in addition to the traditional festive dastarkhan, everyone was given memorable gifts.

Happy Unity Day of the People of Kazakhstan!
On May 1, we sincerely congratulate you on the spring holiday – the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan – a symbol of friendship, cohesion and creativity. This holiday unites important

Saturday cleanup day is a common cause!
On April 23, many citizens spent with benefit for their hometown – clearing territories, planting seedlings. Collectives of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership

Connecting with potential partners
Today, in the oil capital of Kazakhstan, the 19th North-Caspian Regional “Atyrau Oil & Gas” Exhibition was closed, which over a number of years has been joining the leaders of the industry, and top companies as well as proved itself as an effective launching pad for start-up companies.

“Svetland-Oil” LLP has taken part in “Atyrau Oil & Gas” exhibition
This is a 19th exhibition that takes place and for the whole period, with good reason, proved itself as an effective space for negotiations, search for new partnership relations in the field of oil and gas exploration, as well as in the sphere of producing of oil & gas equipment and development of infrastructure.

The share of Atyrau region in the oil production of the republic will reach 65%
Akim of the Atyrau region Makhambet Dosmukhambetov announced this during the regional exhibition "Atyrau Oil & Gas", Kazinform reports. The head of the region congratulated the participants of the large-scale industry event,

Accept our congratulations on Geologist Day!
April 3 Today, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of the Geologist - a professional holiday for people of all professions related to the search and extraction of minerals. Geologist is not only

On the eve of the Geologist's Day
On April 1, Geologist's Day in Kazakhstan is celebrated on the first Sunday of April according to the Decree of the Head of state dated October 20, 2011. Although his story is like

Our congratulations on Nauryz holiday!
A wonderful day of the spring equinox - Nauryz has come. This is a spring holiday, the beginning of the new year, and let it bring loads of joy, warmth, and love to each family! May harmony and peace always be enthroned in your hearts! We sincerely wish you prosperity, peace, well-being, and every success so that your smiles shine brighter! Be healthy and happy! “Svetland-Oil” LLP Team

Congratulations on March 8 at the Svetland-Oil office
Congratulations March 8 at the office of "Svetland-Oil" The event was held on March 4 at the office of "Svetland-Oil" LLP a festive event dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8 took place. On behalf of the male